Category Archives: Saltair News

Message from Director Dorey Saltair Community Centre


The old Mount Brenton School sold to private interests for $650,000 years ago and then was put up for sale for $750,000 some years later. The school was the social centre of Saltair with school activities and community functions when it was operating. We were socially poorer when it closed. Then three years ago in an estate settlement with a rush to sell, it came on the market again which seemed like a great opportunity to get our social community back again from private interests. The CVRD then bought the school with five and a half acres of prime real estate for $300,000.

From the studies of psychologists and social scientists it is proven that communities with lots of opportunities for social interaction are happier communities. The more opportunities you have to meet and relate to people the happier you will be. Having a chat with someone, even a stranger, causes a release of the happy hormone called ocytocin into the bloodstream.   And it is also important to be able to walk or bike these events for a healthier body and less weight gain. Exercising releases endorphins into the bloodstream and if you walk on a natural trail you get an extra dose. Having a facility in your community is better than having one in a neighbouring community where you have to drive.

Saltair Community Society continues to successfully operate the community centre.  Income is generated from monthly rental fees received from anchor tenant Inquiring Little Minds Daycare.  The Daycare also covers a good portion of utility expenses such as electricity and heating. ILM was already in operation prior to the purchase of the property by the CVRD and have single handedly kept the interior of the classrooms and common areas in good repair. Economically, they employ up to nine staff and provide sought after daycare space for up to 60 children.  Daycare is an important service to our Community.

The Society is in the process of securing other community service oriented renters to further bolster anchor tenant income funds.  This rental income is being accrued with the intention to contribute financially to the upgrades to the building.  Various rooms are still available for social events, public meetings, educational training, Parks Commission, Advisory Planning Commission, SDRA, Elections, garden clubs, arts and crafts groups, and photography studio use.

The Saltair Community Building Condition Assessment report will be utilized to apply for applicable grant funding.  Social fund raising and donation events are also being planned to assist with future upgrade costs.

The financial contributions by taxpayers has been very reasonable and fair to date considering what they are getting. During the purchase period over five years, it is costing each family in Saltair about $40 per year which is about a half a tank of gas. There was a building assessment done by Vancouver Engineering firm that said that it would be $3,000,000 to put the building into like new condition. This is a scary number unless you analyse all the details. We don’t need to reclad the whole building with hardi plank when a good paint job would do. We don’t need new floors, windows or doors. The users will not mind the patina of age and character. We do need a good roof. There are four roofs on the building and a phased approach can be taken. One roof needs to be fixed soon and we have $130,000 of federal gas tax grants to help with that. It is hoped that the continued rate of taxation will allow the building to be used well into the future. The CVRD is drawing up a financial plan for moving forward that will be amenable to the public. We need to be patient.

Unfortunately, there is a naysayer group of about 6 who are out in the community trying to undermine the project using fear and intimidation. This is having a very negative effect on the emotional well being of Saltarians and community spirit. This is exactly the opposite of what the project was supposed to do.   We need a wait and see approach. Let the Society continue and prove that the centre is viable and needed.

Submitted by:  Mel Dorey, Area G Director, Saltair and the Islands, CVRD

Saltair Community Society News September 2017

Saltair Community Society continues to successfully operate the community centre.  Income is generated from monthly rental fees received from anchor tenant Inquiring Little Minds Daycare.  The Daycare also covers a good portion of  utility expenses such as electricity and heating. ILM daycare was already in operation prior to the purchase of the property by the CVRD and have single handedly kept the interior of the classrooms and common areas in good repair. Economically, they employ up to nine staff and provide sought after daycare space for up to 60 children.  Daycare is an important service to our Community.

The Society is in the process of  securing other community service oriented renters to further bolster anchor tenant income funds.  This rental income is being accrued with the intention to contribute financially to the upgrades to the building.  Various rooms are still available for social events, public meetings, educational training, Parks Commission, Advisory Planning Commission, SDRA, Elections, garden clubs,  arts and crafts groups, and photography studio use.
The much awaited Saltair Community Building Condition Assessment Report  (click on highlighted text to access reports)   Facility Assessment Condition Report Saltair Community Centre  Building Envelope Condition Assessment of Gymnasium Saltair Community Centre  ,  will be utilized  to apply for applicable grant funding. CVRD staff and Area Director Mel Dorey are currently working on a viable financial plan moving forward that will be amenable to the citizens of Saltair.  Social fund raising and donation events are also being planned by the Society to assist with future upgrade costs.
The Society expresses many thanks to the Saltair folks who took the time to send in “Letters of Support” to the Electoral Area Directors.  Over 26 pro-community centre  letters were received!  Well Done!
 Further support in the form of positive media is still needed, Generate the importance of community spirit and that it can thrive in a good community building, cite examples: Cowichan Hub, Ashcroft Hub, North Oyster Hall, Thetis Island. walkability, a little TLC goes a long way, etc.  Reach out and send letters of support to media outlets such as Take 5 Magazine, Chemainus Valley Courier, Ladysmith Chronicle, Cowichan Citizen, talk to your neighbours and local area residents.
For further updates, news, directorship elections, and for ways you can volunteer or make a difference to further the success of the facility,  please email Bill Cleary – bcleary [at] shaw [dot] ca
Thank you
News provided by
Director, Jackie Rieck,  Saltair Community Society

Saltair Gathers to View Sesquicentennial Quilt

Saltair is such a small hamlet that it isn’t on most maps, but there are many significant places with a rich history in this little unincorporated town. We marvel at our surroundings. The beauty of the ever-changing water, meadows and mountains is breath taking.

Boulder Point/Big Rock Beach at low Tide

In the fall of 2016 some members of the Saltair Community Society suggested that it would be nice to do something special for Canada’s Sesquicentennial Celebration. Among other ideas, someone asked me if I would head such a project and create a quilt that would portray the area and celebrate this special occasion.

Canada Day 150th

It had been a dream of mine for several years to create a quilt that would help represent this small community in a worthy manner and let people know about a unique way of life by those of us who have come from far and wide to live in this pristine setting. I have been a part of this community since 1975 and love how people interact and celebrate each significant holiday with each other.

Our newly created Community Centre became the perfect place for a small group of quilters to meet every week. They agreed to contribute their talents to this massive project. We called ourselves “The Saltair Quilters”. The work began in November 2016 and that is how my dream became a reality.

Winter time planning stages of the 150 Quilt.

After putting this wonderful art project together I spent a total of 64 hours quilting it. I want to make special mention of Mary Chudy from the Crofton Quilters who created and contributed the organza leaves. Then my friend Bronwen Cossey serged the quilt panels and the borders. The Saltair Quilters spent a happy day attaching the leaves in a way that represents the falling leaves of autumn and the passing of time.

Saltair Quilters

Did you find the Big Rock and Stocking Creek Falls? Look for the Old Plantation and the Station House. What about the Saltair Pub and Porter’s Dairy? There is the entrance to Diana Park and not to forget the Coastal Messenger, the ship that has been sailing these seas for many years, bringing the Good News wherever it docked. Then there is the Davis Lagoon Bridge, without which it would be impossible to access Saltair from the north end.

Ta Dahhh Here it is the Saltair 150 Quilt


To those of you who have lived in this unique community for many years and also to those of you who have found this hamlet more recently and decided to call it “home”, we are thrilled to present this quilt.

Christa Stegemann

Saltair Centre – Impromptu Gathering a Success!


Tim’s Impromptu Social Gathering was a Success!

23 folks attended a coffee & donut social gathering last Sunday, between 1:00 and 3:00 pm , April 23rd,2017 at the Saltair Community Centre.   Social gathering information was posted on  Facebook’s “Saltair Community Page (All Things Saltair)

It was a great way to mingle with friends, new neighbours and build excitement for future get together’s at the centre.

Tim Godau kindly hosted the “social” to help bring attention to the importance of building community spirit, having a designated place to do it in and getting to know your neighbours in Saltair.

Bocce game with Tim Godau and Jane Hope

Lets keep the momentum going, Anyone can host and organize a social. Classroom rates are $15.00 for two hours.

Contact: Saltair Community Society: bcleary [at] shaw [dot] ca

Photo credits: Ed Nicholson