Click the green link for an updated CVRD Public Meeting Highlights/Summary & Photos View Chemainus Valley Courier Article for highlights of public meeting
Thursday, June 2, 2022
Electoral Area G – Saltair
Bylaw No. 4427 Development Permit Area 7: Landslide Hazard
Date: June 2, 2022
Time: 1st Meeting: 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Time: 2nd Meeting: 5:30pm to 7:00 pm
Location Saltair Community Centre, located at 3850 South Oyster School Road
Doors open at 2:30 pm Refreshments will be served
Presentation: 1st presentation 3:00 pm is for early birds & 2nd presentation is for the after work crowd at 5:30pm
Please Note: seating is limited to 95 persons per meeting.
Presenters: Rick Guthrie, P. Geo and Hawley Beaugrand P. Geo, Stantec Consulting
The Cowichan Valley Regional District (CVRD) conducted field studies in the Saltair area in 2021 which examined natural hazards in the coastal zone, local drivers of slope instability and potential impacts of sea level rise. The purpose of the public open house is to provide further opportunity to present and discuss the Saltair Coastal Slope Stability Assessment and draft Bylaw No. 4427 Development Permit Area 7: Landslide Hazard 9DPA 7).
Draft Bylaw No. 4427 Development Permit Area 7: landslide Hazard, which guides development activities in area that may be subject to natural hazards, has been amended to include the report recommendations and new mapping. The map shown outlines the parcels which are subject to draft Bylaw No. 4427.
The full report “Saltair Coastal Slope Stability Assessment” is located here:
Draft Bylaw No. 4427 Development Permit Area 7: Landslide Hazard (DPA 7) can be accessed here:—Strategic-Initiatives-Draft-B
FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: Coralie Breen, Manager, Planning- Strategic Initiatives Division, Land Use Services Department, Phone: 250-746-2625 or 1.800.665.3955/ Email: Coralie [dot] Breen [at] cvrd [dot] bc [dot] ca

Posted for the Cowichan Valley Regional District