Fire Prevention & Safety Community Meeting

Presentation on Fire Prevention/Safety

The Saltair District Residents Association (SDRA) is sponsoring a public meeting on fire prevention.

June 23rd, at 7:00 pm at the Saltair Community Centre Hall

Science tells us that we are facing severe impacts on our weather due to human-caused climate change. The CVRD has funded studies to indicate what impacts are likely for the Cowichan Valley. During recent years we have witnessed these impacts as increased rainfall,
violent storms and increasingly frequent spells of extreme heat.

Ongoing studies will tell us if our current assumptions are too conservative or not.

Increasing hot spells and heat domes are conducive to widespread wild fires in forested and other areas, as we saw last summer.

The public meeting’s agenda consists of three parts.

1. John Silins will present the results of the funded CVRD studies: what we can expect regarding changes in our climate over the next decades in the Cowichan Valley, based on information we have today.
2. Joel Crawford (CVRD) will talk about what we can do to protect our properties from fire damage.
3. Don Hatton (Hatton Insurance) will explain options for property insurance and give you an opportunity to ask questions about coverage.

Time permitting we will open the floor for questions and discussion.

Note: We’re collecting cash and non-perishable food items for Harvest House Food Bank in Chemainus – donations gratefully accepted.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Sponsored by: Saltair District Residents Association

Photo by Daniel Tausis on Unsplash

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