Advisory Planning Commission (APC)

The Electoral Area G – Saltair Planning Advisory Commission (APC) is an organization established by the Cowichan Valley Regional District which enables local residents to provide comments and advice with respect to important local planning decisions.

The APC members are appointed by the CVRD on the recommendation of the Area Director and represent a cross-section of Saltair’s residents.

Planning applications are referred to the APC by CVRD staff and, for the most part, involve applications to amend Saltair’s Zoning Bylaw or applications for which a development permit is required. Other planning-related matters may be referred to the APC by CVRD staff or the Area G Director and the APC also plays a key role when Saltair’s Official Community Plan is amended or when a new Plan is prepared.

Upon receipt of an application the APC holds a meeting at which the applicant is invited to make a presentation outlining the details about the application and to answer questions posed by APC members. Following the presentation by the applicant, questions to the applicant by APC members and discussion by the APC, the Commission members formulate a recommendation to the CVRD and vote on it. This recommendation, along with the minutes of the meeting, are sent to the CVRD and become part of the official record of the application.   Members of the public are welcome to attend APC meetings but the APC meeting is not a public hearing. This takes place at the time the application is dealt with by the CVRD directors.

As its name suggests, the role of the APC is advisory and the decision making authority lies with the Regional District. As a result, the CVRD may accept or reject the APC’s advice and recommendations as it sees fit. Nevertheless, the APC’s review of planning applications offers an important means for providing community input and this input is carefully reviewed by the CVRD in its decision-making process. Although the APC is not technically responsible for making the final decision on the issuance of a permit or adoption of a bylaw, where the APC has established its reputation as being a fair, intelligent and critical body, its advice tends to carry considerable authority.

Official APC Minutes are posted on the CVRD website:

Download minutes

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